Those who have taken medication within 2 weeks that affects neuromuscular transmission or the effect of the toxin, such as aminoglycoside antibiotics.
1. Do not wear make-up or eat spicy and stimulating food after the procedure.
2. Keep dry and away from water vapour and other activities
3. Fix the injection site and keep it relatively still
4. Do not take medication containing aspirin or other drugs that interfere with blood clotting
5. Avoid touching with hands
6. Pay attention to sun protection
7. Review within 3 days after injection
8. Keep away from the eyebrows when injecting interbrow lines
9. Do not touch water within 6 hours
问答 除皱针效果能持续多久? 因个体,注射部位不同而有差异。通常3个月肌肉力量可恢复50%,5-6个月可完全恢复。眼周区域的皱纹会最先恢复,其次是眉间和额部区域,额部药效持续时间约5- 6月。维持最好效果需要每年注射2-3次。 除皱针有哪些优点? 采用微创注射方式,不留疤痕,无痛且创伤小;操作方便,起效迅速,效果明显,不影响工作生活:,注射基本无排斥,无过敏发炎;,注射后效果稳定,自然。 注射除皱针会导致面部僵硬吗? 不会。肉毒素可以精准作用于被治疗的肌肉,不会影响其他表情肌的运动,对于未经注射的部位,肌肉仍可以运动并做出表情。